b43-open driver missing

Robert Dowell bagdadbob66 at gmail.com
Mon Sep 10 10:26:53 EDT 2012

While installing the ppc-x64 version of Fedora x86_64 on an IMac I got the following message:

[27.045279]Error: Firmware file "b43-open/ucode5.fw" not found.

[27.045444] b43-phy0 Error: You must go to Http://wireless.kernel.org/en/users/Drivers/b43#devicefirmware and download the correct firmware for this driver version.

I went to the site on another computer and while reading the installation details, I noticed that I was asked to post details of for missing distributions at this address. The following is the address where I downloaded the ISO from:


The only problem I'm having is the fact that when I get those errors the system freezes at that point and I use power it off and reboot.

I'm not sure what it is you do. But I hope this information helps.

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