RFC - removal of SPROM fallback

Rafał Miłecki zajec5 at gmail.com
Wed Dec 1 14:55:00 EST 2010

2010/12/1 Larry Finger <Larry.Finger at lwfinger.net>:
> At one time, we thought that we had found BCM43xx devices with no SPROM. In the
> one case that I remember, it was because the SPROM had been relocated.

That's right.

> I now have the data from John's device that needs the revision fixup and I know
> what is wrong - it is rev 2 with corrupted CRC. The defaulting to rev 1 is
> getting almost everything wrong, including MAC address and vendor. My plan is to
> write a better fixup routine.

That's interesting... so is that SPROM rev2 with CRC counted like for
rev1? Are you sure about this case? AFAIR:
1) John got CRC error when we dropped hack and treated SPROM as
revision it reports
2) John got success CRC check when we hacked his SPROM to "be" rev 1

> At the moment, we have some SPROM fallback code that has not been fully
> implemented, and is probably not needed. Are there any objections to stripping
> this code out of drivers/ssb/pci.c and drivers/ssb/sprom.c?

I don't believe we will find out SSBs without SPROMs and implementing
support for new Broadcom cards should not depend on SSB code... so I
do not any problems about that.


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