How is tx-flushing supposed to work now?

Michal Kazior michal.kazior at
Wed Mar 30 03:38:52 PDT 2016

On 29 March 2016 at 21:26, Ben Greear <greearb at> wrote:
> When we have multiple vdevs, and the 10.4.3 firmware with the tx-push logic,
> how is flushing supposed to work?

This isn't really as much about pull-push logic in 10.4.3 as it is
about wake_tx_queue() in general, is it?

> First, when we get a flush, should we first purge any frames not yet pushed
> to the firmware?

I would expect mac80211 to purge txqs.

> And second, what keeps other vdevs from continuing to transmit frames while
> one
> vdev is trying to be flushed?

Hmm.. I guess ath10k flush() implementation doesn't really do what it
should. It should wait just for frames for given vif but it waits for


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