Cannot achieve throughput higher than 460Mbps using CT firmware and 3x3 ath10k

Pushpal Sidhu psidhu at
Thu May 7 12:33:01 PDT 2015

On Thu, May 7, 2015 at 11:01 AM, richard mayers
<richard.mayers92 at> wrote:
> Its only 30% of CPU usage when I am transmit at maximum speed. May be
> I am not checking it correctly, I just use top and then press 1 and it
> splits the cores (it has only 2). In the worst case if 30% was the
> average it should be a maximum of 60% in one single core.

And you're getting your 30% CPU usage from (100 - IDLE), correct?
Don't just look at the 'us' column.

Going back to over drive on the chains, instead of mucking around with
antenna orientation and distance, I would go out and buy some
attenuators and put them between the channels. Then change the tx
power on the AP until you're absolutely tuned up. Otherwise, these
tests are somewhat moot in my opinion.

- Pushpal

> Richard.

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