Rate vs Range graphs for ath10k through attentuator.

Ben Greear greearb at candelatech.com
Fri May 16 05:57:07 PDT 2014

On 05/16/2014 05:50 AM, Kalle Valo wrote:
> Ben Greear <greearb at candelatech.com> writes:
>> Just FYI...here's a graph of a UDP upload test through an attenuator.
>> The attenuator goes from 0 up to 95.5, though isolation is not perfect
>> so even at highest attenuation a small bit of signal gets through.
>> One interesting thing to me is that ath10k does so well at very hot
>> signal strength.  ath9k runs like crap with hot signal...
>> AP is another of our systems, both are using my CT firmware, my 3.14.4+
>> kernel, and WLE900VX NICs.  32 stations were created and associated
>> on the station machine, but only one was actively sending any significant
>> data.  AP system had single active AP vdev, one station interface that was
>> not connected.  Traffic flow is station send to AP, AP sends back to station
>> machine on 1Gbps wired Ethernet connection.  Both systems are mobile core-i7
>> CPU, 8GB RAM, etc.
>> http://www.candelatech.com/examples/ath10k-rate-vs-range-udp-upload/
>> Lots of graphs in the link above..the most useful ones are:
>> http://www.candelatech.com/examples/ath10k-rate-vs-range-udp-upload/chart-0.png
>> http://www.candelatech.com/examples/ath10k-rate-vs-range-udp-upload/chart-30.png
>> The throughput is a bit spikey, possibly because I am only doing 5 second throughput
>> tests.  Will run a 30-second one some day and hope that smooths out.
> Cool charts. Was this over the air or with cables?

Cables, have to run it through the attenuator...



Ben Greear <greearb at candelatech.com>
Candela Technologies Inc  http://www.candelatech.com

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